The Chair

Group Mission
Intelligent and Data-driven Assessment of Engineered Systems
In recent years radical urban development is expressed through the construction of more impressive and significantly more complex structures and engineered systems, while at the same time a large part of existing infrastructure is reaching the end of its life-cycle. Developed societies are realizing the urgent need for efficient resource management and the significance of sustainable and resilient designs. Providing a solution to this challenging problem is a twofold task for the engineer, involving on one hand efficient new designs and on the other hand the planning of appropriate operation, maintenance and intervention schemes for existing systems.
To tackle these challenges, we assimilate data, obtained from appropriately deployed sensors, into the modeling, condition assessment, diagnostics and virtualization of engineered systems. We do this via fusion of physics-based models, system identification, time series analysis tools and machine learning methods. Our applications span a broad range of structural assets; from more conventional infrastructure (bridges, buildings), to wind energy infrastructure, all the way to vehicle and railway infrastructure condition assessment. We adopt Structural Health Monitoring methods & tools for evaluating structural integrity, durability and reliability throughout the structural life cycle, as well as for supporting decisions for optimal maintenance planning and safe operation.
We are convinced that a proper combination of hardware resources and computational tools can ultimately lead to an intelligent, data-driven infrastructure management system, where diagnosis & prognosis of condition no longer depends merely on sporadic visual inspections.
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