
This is a collection of some of the Datasets made available openly, as part of our projects.

The ETH Zurich Research Wind Turbine (Aventa)

Structural Monitoring data from the ETH owned wind turbine, Aventa AV-7, manufactured by Aventa AG in Switzerland and commissioned in December 2002, are found in external page Zenodo.

The measurements/instrumentation setup, type and layout is provided in the offered pdf files.

Data available upon request, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi ()

Monitoring of the UHPFRC strengthened Chillon viaduct under environmental and operational variability. 

Datasets corresponding to 3 months of data of the monitoring of Chillon viaduct found in external page Zenodo

Each file contains:

  • Vibration data from 11 acelerometers, in the vertical direction
  • Temperature
  • Humidity

The accelerometer positions are illustarted in the pdf "accelerometres Position.pdf".

When employing this dataset, please cite:
"Martín-Sanz, Henar, Konstantinos Tatsis, Vasilis K. Dertimanis, Luis David Avendaño-Valencia, Eugen Brühwiler, and Eleni Chatzi. "Monitoring of the UHPFRC strengthened Chillon viaduct under environmental and operational variability." Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (2019): 1-31."

Towards the use of UHPFRC in railway bridges: the rehabilitation of Buna Bridge

Martin-Sanz, Henar; Tatsis, Konstantinos; Stipanovic,I; Damjanovic, D; Sanja, A; Brühwiler, E; Chatzi, E, found in external page Zenodo

Dataset of experiment carried out on Buna bridge, before rehabilitation. Accelerations corresponding to a roving test, with the positions and orientations specified ont the Overview report document. The structure was excited with a shaker in horizontal and vertical positions.

When employing this dataset, please cite:
"H. Martín-Sanz, K. Tatsis, E. Chatzi, E. Brühwiler, I. Stipanovic, A. Mandic, D. Damjanovic & A. Sanja, Towards the use of UHPFRC in railway bridges: the rehabilitation of Buna Bridge, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), October 28-31 2018, Ghent, Belgium."

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