Structural Identification & Health Monitoring

Spring Semester 2025

This course will present methods for structural identification and health monitoring. We show how to exploit measurements of structural response (e.g. strains, deflections, accelerations) for evaluating structural condition, with the purpose of maintaining a safe and resilient infrastructure.

Lecturers                                 Teaching Assistants

Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi                          Marcus Haywood-Alexander     

Dr. Vasileios Ntertimanis                  Kyriakos Chondrogiannis


Wednesday 15:45-17:30 / HIL E 6 

Course book

In class notes - posted lecture slides

General Information

Performance Assessment

  • Graded semester performance


This term we will be using Moodle for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, the TA, and instructors. We encourage you to post your questions on the Moodle Q&A Forum. 

Lecture Plan

Supplementary Material