News Archive

26.06.2019  Prof. Chatzi gave a semi plenary at the external page COMPDYN conference on "Monitoring and Assessment of Infrastructure: Sensemaking from Data"

24-26 June, 2019  Prof. Chatzi and Dr. Ntertimanis were organizing together with Prof. Papadimitrou from the University of Thessaly a mini-symposium at external page UNCECOMP 2019 on "Uncertainty Quantification in Vibration based Monitoring and Structural Dynamics Simulations"

21.06.2019 Congratulations to Adrian Egger who won the student paper competition of the Computational mechanics committee at external page EMI 2019!

18-21 June, 2019   Prof. Chatzi and group members were organising two symposia at EMI 2019 on "Metamaterials for vibration mitigation" and "Structural Identification & Damage Detection".  

15.05.2019    The Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring at ETH Zürich, the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, EPFL and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences were organising the external page Swiss Wind Energy R&D Network on May 15th, 2019 in Rapperswil

09.04.2019  Dynamische Messungen beim external page Rückbau von Mauerwerksobjekten durch die Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Chatzi

14.03.2019  external page Prof. Adrian Brügger (Columbia University) offered an IBK Seminar on the use of Neutron Diffraction for understanding the
Mechanics of Bridge Cables.

11.03.2019 Prof. Keith Worden (Uni. Sheffield) offered a thought-provoking Dynamics Colloquium on Digital Twins, Mirrors and Virtualizations, see more info here

14.02.2019   Check out the external page Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology from 15.7.-3.8.2019: 3-weeks of lectures given by international experts in Structural Engineering, Smart Material, Image Processing, Cultural Heritage, Sensor, Bridge Inspection, Uav and Robotics.

28.01.2019     Dr. Ntertimanis was organizing a Mini Symposium together with Dr. Eftekhar Azam from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at the external page IMAC conference on the topic of "Bayesian Type Filters for Real Time Identification I"

16.01.2018    Professor Eleni Chatzi held an open lecture on "Monitoring Structures through Motion" as part of the IAS annual interdisciplinary theme on Motion at external page Loughborough University

11.01.2019   Congratulations to Dr. Ntertimanis who was named a member of the editorial board of external page Heliyon

08.01.2019  external page See how Columbia Engineering partnered up with Cornell, using monitoring and smart retrofitting to ensure the New York City L Train can continue to operate safely while repairs take place.

17.12.2018   The Chair of Prof. Chatzi has been officially renamed to Strukturmechanik und Monitoring / Structural Mechanics and Monitoring!

13.12.2018   Prof. Chatzi, member of The Energy Science Center (ESC), won a Proof of Concept Grant in September 2018. The ESC congratulates her! The grant will allow Prof. Chatzi to implement feasibility studies and business plans for earlier ideas. The PoC Grant is endowed with about 130,000 francs.

01.12.2018    TEC21 published a list of the 2018 FEB Prize winners, which also includes Chiara Steffen and Raphael Mesaric for their Bachelor's Thesis about an Online-Platform for Monitoring the "House of Natural Resources".

12.11.2018 We are happy to announce that Prof. Chatzi won an ETH Research Grant (Forschungsgesuch ETH-11 18-1) “Enabling Dynamic Earthquake Risk Assessment (DynaRisk)”!

08.11.2018 We announce a new ETH Mobility Initiative Grant: On board Monitoring for Integrated Systems. Understanding & Management Improvement in Railways (external page OMISM). This project is supported by the Swiss Federal railways (SBB) and the ETH Zurich Foundation. It is a collaboration of Prof. Chatzi with Prof. Corman and the SBB.

07.11.2018    Master students working in the lab on the lab-students-scaled wind turbine. Check out their video here

19.10.2018       Prof. Chatzi was giving a talk at the external page 22. Dresdner Baustatik-Seminar REALITÄT – MODELLIERUNG – TRAGWERKSPLANUNG on "Structural Health Monitoring – Daten im Dienst der Infrastruktur"

15.10.2018       Prof. Chatzi had a presentation on "Data in Service of Infrastructure” at the external page 1st International Conference of Greek ERC Grantees in Heraklion

03.10.2018       The Chair of Structural Mechanics at the Institute of Structural Engineering (IBK) is seeking a external page Full Stack software developer/Research Assistant (60%) within the ERC Proof of Concept (PoC) Grant, an autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines.

12.09.2018       external page Jean-Philippe Noël from the university of Liège in Belgium was giving a talk on "An Engineering Introduction to Nonlinear Modal Analysis" on Wednesday, September 12 at ETH Hönggerberg

27.07.2018 We announce a new European grant relating to WINDMIL "WINDMIL Real-Time Decision Tree" under the academic hosting of Prof. Chatzi

25.07.2018        The project of Prof. Chatzi "Smart Monitoring, Inspection And Life-Cycle Assessment Of Wind Turbines" was highlighted by the Energy Science Center on their website.

24.07.2018   Prof. Chatzi was organizing a Session on Monitoring-based Performance and Assessment of Infrastructure for the upcoming external page 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 7WCSCM conference in Qingdao, China

11.07.2018     Prof. Chatzi was organizing a Session on Monitoring and Assessment of Civil Infrastructure for the external page European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2018 conference in Manchester.

28.06.2018    Dr. Imad Abdallah was giving a talk on June 28 on the topic of "An ensemble learning approach to aggregate the output from multiple simulators and measurements". The talk was taking place during the 19th working conference of the IFIP Working Group 7.5 on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems IFIP 2018. 

25.06.2018     The article on the topic of external page "Hybridization of Guided Surface Acoustic Modes in Unconsolidated Granular Media by a Resonant Metasurfacewe" with Rachele Zaccherini, Dr. Dertimanis and Prof. Chatzi as co-authors has made Editor's choice in the Physical Review Applied Journal. external page The Physical Review Applied (PRApplied) publishes high-quality papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics, and between current and future technologies.

08.06.2018    Assistant professor external page Hae Young Noh from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburgh was giving a talk on the topic of "Structures as Sensors: Using Structures to Indirectly Monitor Humans and Surroundings" on June 8, at ETH Hönggerberg.

01.06.2018    Congratulations to Konstantinos Tatsis who won the Student paper competition of the Structural Health Monitoring and Control Committee at the external page EMI 2018.

31.05.2018    The Chair of Prof. Chatzi was represented in two of the external page EMI student paper competitions: Rachele Zaccherini as a finalist in the Computational Mechanics Competition and Konstantinos Tatsis as a finalist in the Structural Health Monitoring and Control Committee.

29.05.2018 - 01.06.2018     Prof. Chatzi and Dr. Ntertimanis were organizing Mini Symposia at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018 (external page EMI) in Boston, on the topics of "Structural Identification and Damage Detection" and "Metamaterials for vibration mitigation"

14.05.2018    Prof. Sami F. Masri from the Viterbi School of Engineering of the University of Southern California gave a talk at the The Dynamics Colloquium on May 14 at LEE E 101 (Leonhardstrasse 21, 8092 Zürich). Titel: Some Approaches for the Modeling and Monitoring of Complex Nonlinear Systems 

11.05.2018    .

27.04.2018    We congratulate Chiara Steffen and Raphael Mesaric for receiving an award by the external page FEB (Fachgruppe für die Erhaltung von Bauwerken des Schweizerischen Ingenieur- und Architektenvereins) for their Bachelor's Thesis about an Online-Platform for Monitoring the "House of Natural Resources".

13.04.2018   Prof. Chatzi participated at the DyVirt kick off meeting which took place in Sheffiled. DyVirt is a European Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme. The Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions offer an exciting opportunity to work with leading experts across Europe to develop advanced virtual models for the dynamic behaviour of engineering structures, primarily for offshore wind energy. Prof. Chatzi is looking for motivated Ph.D. candidates, the job description is available external page here.

11.04.2018    Prof. Chatzi gave a keynote lecture on "Data-Driven Assessment of Engineered Systems: Beyond LTI" at the Workshop about the external page Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks in Belgium. 

02.2018 - Congratulations to Ms. Claude Leyder from the group of Structural Mechanics, for successfully defending her PhD thesis on Monitoring-based perfromance assessment of an innovative hybridtimber building

29.01.2018 - Receipt of H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 Grant, SiMAero, Simulation-Driven and On-line Condition Monitoring with Applications to Aerospace, Proposal ID: 795917 Call, Postdoctoral Fellow: Dr. Konstantinos Agathos

01.01.2018       We announce a new SNSF Ambizione Grant, "Structured materials for multiscale wave control", awarded to Dr. Andrea Colombi, under the academic hosting of Prof. E. Chatzi & Prof. B. Stojadinovic

01.12.2017 - Initiation of  SNSF R’Equip Grant, Smart Monitoring System for Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment of Critical Infrastructure, Project # 2-77242-17

01.10.2017        The group welcomes Ms. Rachele Zaccherini, PhD Fellow on an ETH Research Grant ETH-49 17-1, for “Metastructures for Seismic Vibration Attenuation”

14.09.2017        Follow us in the external page 7AESEexternal page Eurodyn2017 & external page SMAR2017 conferences, where we roganize a number of Mini Symposia on Structural Health Monitoring and System Identification

10.09.2017  Mini Symposium on “Damage Detection” for the X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, September 10-13 2017, Rome, Italy.

06.09.2018      §  Mini Symposium on “Field Testing and Structural Health Monitoring” for the 7AESE Conference, 6-8 September 2017, Pavia, Italy

01.09.2017        See the new external page trailer of COST Action TU1402 on  "external page Quantifying the Value of Structural Health Monitoring

29.08.2017       We are happy to join an  ITN Training Network consortium on project DyVirt: Dynamic Virtualisation: modelling performance of engineering structures

17.03.2017        See us discuss "external page Big Data in the building industry" for a Deutsche Welle feature.

10.03.2017        Prof. Chatzi is appointed Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics  read more

21.02.2017        See us discuss "external page Big Data im Bauwesen" for a feature.

07.11.2016        We are hosting this year's Academia Industry Modeling (AIM) Week for Computational Science Zurich! read more

05.10.2016        See us featured on the Energy Science Center (ESC) "Weekly Spotlight on Energy Research"

05.10.2016        See us featured on the Energy Science Center (ESC) "Weekly Spotlight on Energy Research"

01.10.2016        See our work featured in the new issue of ETH Globe (pp. 10-11)

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