2nd INSPIRE Training School

held virtually Dec 1-3, 2020.

by Caroline Palla

A great thank you to the organizing team from the University of Trento, to the lecturers including Dr Andrea Colombi and Dr Vasilis Dertimanis from the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring, and to all the attendees for the good spirits and lively participation that made up for the fact that we could not be together in the same place. external pageStay connected with INSPIRE news and updates.

Vasilis offered an introduction to nonlinear metamaterials, reviewing recent advances in the field, after introducing the fundamentals of nonlinear dynamics. Andrea discussed dealing with surface waves via elaboration on laboratory and field experiments. Using the results from the “metaforest experiment”, where trees have been used as local resonators to mimic a large-scale metamaterial, the use of array methods (e.g. beam forming, cross-correlation, frequency wavenumber representation) for understandaing wave propagation in a complex scenario.

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