Congrats to Karin Yu
for her outstanding Master Thesis!

In this thesis, Ms. Yu developed a data-driven approach merging Bayesian filters with Gaussian processes in a spatiotemporal predictive framework, which allows to assess the experienced loads and diagnose possible faults on wind turbine structures on the basis of monitoring information. More to come at the upcoming #IMAC2023 conference!
👏 For her thesis, Karin was awarded three major awards:
• The Silver Medal of ETH Zürich, awarded for outstanding Master’s theses
• The Heinrich-Hatt Bucher Prize, annually awarded to the 3 best master theses in D-ARCH/D-BAUG
• The Willi Studer Prize, awarded since 1993 to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master’s degree programme
Karin's thesis was conducted jointly under the supervision of Eleni Chatzi, Vasilis Dertimanis, and Konstantinos Tatsis of the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring at ETH Zurich and Andrew Smyth - Columbia University, and was supported by ETH Zürich ESOP scholarship program.
Congrats Karin!