Startup Stories with RTDT Laboratories
Co-Founder and CEO Imad Abdallah on his participation in the 2023 Venture Leaders Cleantech roadshow
It's official: external page RTDT Laboratories, with their deep-tech hardware-software solution for monitoring wind turbine blades called Aerosense, has earned a place among the ten Venture Leaders selected by external page Venturelab. As Venture Leaders, their founders join the Swiss National Startup Team and are given the unique opportunity to expand their global network and reach in the world's most vibrant international venues for entrepreneurs.
In external page this conversation, Venturelab talks to co-founder and CEO Imad Abdallah, covering various aspects of the startup, including its product Aerosense, target market, origins, team achievements, challenges, rewards of being a founder, important lessons, and productivity habits.
"To meet the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, annual wind energy generation needs to grow at an average rate of about 17%, necessitating a significant increase in capacity additions from 75 GW in 2022 to 350 GW in 2030. This presents a substantial opportunity for RTDT. With our Aerosense solution, we are well-positioned to capture a significant portion of the wind turbine blade monitoring and diagnostics market."
Venture Leaders Cleantech is organized by Venturelab and supported by EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), ETH Zürich, EY, Helbling Technik, Romande Energie, SAK (St.Gallisch-Appenzellerische Kraftwerke AG), Swisscom Ventures, Canton de Vaud (Vaud Promotion / Innovaud) and VISCHER.