Aida Hejazi
Short Bio
Aida obtained her Ph.D. in Geosciences from Sorbonne University in 2018. During her postdoctoral work at the Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging in Sorbonne University, she worked on a bio-acoustic project focused on the wave propagation through the skulls of dolphins.
In 2021, she began her postdoctoral research at the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring as part of the interdisciplinary external page BOHEME project. Aida initially explored the dynamics of bone-mimicking structures and investigated the Schwarz primitive cell's dynamics. She validated the bandgap of the latter through numerical simulations and small-scale laboratory experiments using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer. Subsequently, Aida designed metabarriers on reticulated plates made of Schwarz primitive cells and numerically validated their performance for different design parameters, such as adding mass to the cell or increasing its porosity. Furthermore, she numerically designed a graded meta-structure to focus incoming waves at a frequency of 1 KHz, varying the porosity according to the refractive index profile for the Luneburg lens. The bending of the out-of-plane mode was experimentally validated on a 3D printed structure.
Aida's research interests encompass wave propagation in complex structures across various scales, from seismic to ultrasonic frequency ranges. She is particularly interested in wave propagation in mechanical metamaterials, covering aspects from design to numerical validation and experimental testing.