Lingzhen Li
Short Bio
Lingzhen Li received his bachelor degree from Hunan University (2016) and master degree from Tongji University (2019), majoring in Civil and Structural Engineering. He joined Empa and the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring at ETH Zurich in October 2019 as a doctoral student, working on Bond behavior and debonding failure in iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) strengthened steel members. During his PhD work, Lingzhen conducted experiments and derived models for bonded Fe-SMA strengthening technique at material, component (bonded joint), and structure levels. After obtaining his PhD degree from ETH Zurich (2023), Lingzhen joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in January 2024 as a postdoctoral research fellow, working on analysis and design of very large floating structures (VLFS), with a special focus on connectors.