Yves Reuland

Short bio and research area

Yves graduated from EPFL in 2013 as a civil engineer. His main focus was on assessing existing structures for expanding their service duration. In 2017, after four years at the Applied Computing and Mechanics Lab (IMAC, EPFL), he successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘Measurement-​supported performance assessment of earthquake-​damaged concrete and masonry structures’. The main idea was to combine engineering models and ambient-​vibration measurements for a rapid and accurate safety assessment of earthquake-​hit buildings (i.e. are people still safe within their building?). He continued as a post-​doctoral researcher at IMAC, working on several aspects of model-​based data interpretation, such as asset management, vibration-​based occupant localization and city-​scale post-​seismic assessment.

Between 2019 and 2024, Yves continued to focus on resilience of the built environment as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Structural Engineering at ETH with Professors Eleni Chatzi and Bozidar Stojadinovic. He hopes to contribute in unlocking the potential of measurement data for vulnerability updating, damage assessment and recovery planning, in order to create a dynamic risk-​analysis framework that enhances disaster preparedness.

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