Huangbin Liang
Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC)
1 Create Way
CREATE Tower, #06-01
Short Bio
Huangbin joined the Future Resilient Systems(FRS) programme at Singapore-ETH Centre and the Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring at ETH Zurich as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Advised by Prof. Eleni CHATZI, Huangbin works for the ‘Resilience Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems’ research module, and mainly focuses on the joint project with Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS@CREATE) on digital twinning and decision making for smart infrastructure systems. The main objective of the research work Huangbin undertakes is to develop hybrid modelling technique to support decision makings from monitor systems, such as power system and substation systems, under extreme events, thereby enhancing their resilience.
Prior to joining FRS, Huangbin obtained his bachelor’s and doctoral degrees in civil engineering from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, where he worked on the research and practice of seismic performance evaluation and retrofitting of some ultra-high voltage (UHV) electrical equipment, as well as seismic vulnerability analysis and seismic resilience evaluation of an entire power substation system, to improve the seismic performance of power network and speed up its recovery process in case of emergency.
Research Interests
System analysis method, infrastructure resilience, hybrid modelling, decision support framework.
- China National Scholarship
- Excellent Graduate of Shanghai, China
- Best Conference Paper Award of the 3rd IEEE conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration, in 2019
- ASCE National Student Conference, 10th place in the Steel Bridge Competition