Simone Scalisi

Simone Scalisi

Guest, Professorship for Structural Mechanics and Monitoring

ETH Zürich

Strukturmechanik und Monitoring

HIL E 33.1

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5

8093 Zürich


Simone is a PhD student at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Catania (UNICT), under the supervision of Prof. M. Cuomo since November 2022. Simone has been working on system identification algorithms for automatically determining modal parameters of structural systems. These parameters are essential for long-term monitoring and condition assessment.

Starting in January 2025 Simone will spend six months as visiting doctoral researcher with the Chair of Structural Mechanics & Monitoring, where he will study the quantification of the uncertainties related to identification methods.

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